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Welcome to Studio Nanna

Studio Nanna is a new, supportive community where you can find tools and inspiration to take control of your health and well-being. Whether you're facing challenges like hormonal imbalances, stress, digestive issues, or simply seeking a higher quality of life, Studio Nanna offers guidance and solutions that are accessible and tailored to your unique needs.

Based on my own journey, I want to help you navigate the often overwhelming health and wellness space. By sharing practical tips, simple habits, wellness products, selected courses and mentorship programs, I want to make it easier for you to discover what truly works for you without the need for expensive or time-consuming methods.

Together, we can create a space where personal growth, health, and happiness are within reach for everyone.

Helse hacks

Studio Nanna

Inspiration to live a healthier and more fulfilled life 

Lifestyle Library 

I will add valuable resources on a continuous basis, stay tuned! 


Health Hacks

Courses & Training

Literature & Media

Personal Support


Infertility on the rise

Infertility is an increasing concern for many couples. The number of women diagnosed with conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) have increased significantly over the past decades and between 5-10% of woman globally are diagnosed with this condition. Men's reproductive health has also dropped. 

While it's challenging to pinpoint a single cause, it's clear that lifestyle factors play a significant role. Stress, diet, environmental toxins, and modern living habits can all contribute to reproductive challenges. In my blog, I will dig deeper into this topic and how people can take proactive steps to improve fertility and overall reproductive health by making small but meaningful changes in your daily routine.


I will also showcase alternative treatments such as acupuncture that have helped me succeed when pursuing IVF.


Improve your Female Cycle with tools such as Fasting

Fasting has become an increasingly popular trend for its numerous health benefits, from weight loss to improved metabolic health. However, what many women don’t realize is that fasting should be tailored to their menstrual cycle to avoid making the problems worse or creating new issues. It’s not just about when to eat, but when not to, and how you need to adapt your life style to the natural rhythms of the body.

In my blog, I will dive deepen into how you can balance your hormones and feeling better using tools like fasting, movement and nutrition.


The Art of Resting

Guided meditation has been a game changer for me, helping me learn how to truly rest and reduce the stress level in my body. Among all the meditation techniques I've tried, I've become particularly fond of Yoga Nidra. It’s simple to follow and truly gets you out of your head and into your body. If you're struggling with stress, like I was, and want to try out meditation this is a great place to start. Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," brings you into a state of "conscious" relaxation, making it easier to connect with your subconscious mind.

I've noticed significant benefits—like increased stress tolerance, better sleep, higher creativity, and a much deeper inner calm. I also feel much more connected to my intuition and as such make better decisions.


To dive deeper into the benefits of meditation, I'm getting certified as a Yoga Nidra and deep rest facilitator this fall. I can't wait to share more of this journey with you. Follow my blog for insights, inspiration, and more about this transformative practice.

Frekvens terapi, holistisk helse
Healy Norge


Have you heard about frequency therapy?

Healy is a small, portable device that uses advanced frequency technology to support your health and well-being.

It works like your personal wellness expert, and may help you to achieve better physical, mental, and emotional balance.

Healy uses, among other small electrical currents to help stimulate cellular activity, promote healing, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. By stimulating the cells in this way, the body will be better at repairing itself and function optimally. So far, Healy has helped thousands of people with multiple conditions such as chronic pain, mental and physical capacity, and much more.

Curious? Feel free to reach out to learn more about how Healy may be able to help you. 


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